I have started "The Journey Inward" to write about my spiritual journey.
While I traveled this path, I realized how most of the stress and worries I experienced in my life came from my mind trying to keep a “Me” in place.
I’ve started the “I, Me and Mind” blog to share some of my experiences in realizing how our mind is trying to keeps this “Me” in place. We have defined a very specific image for ourselves, and others have created very specific images of us, and we spend most of our lives, stressing and worrying about how to keep this image in place.
We’ll look into recognizing how the mind makes various stories to protect this image of “me”, and talk about some techniques, books and other resources that can be used to free us from the mind created stress and worry that causes us so much suffering.
All it takes is keeping an open mind, and hopefully, together we can identify and let go the attachments we have to the images of "I" and "me" and the "mind" – and enjoy the peace of mind, and freedom that results.