Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Surrender to the mysteries of each moment

This is to all my friends (ones I know, ones I don't know yet and the ones I may never know)...._/\_

Someone asked me "do you love yourself?"
I thought about it and realized I really don't know what "love" is? Anything that came up, love was beyond that... 
Over the past few days, every time I said "love you!" to someone ... the question arose... Who is it I love? What is love? Who is the "I" who loves the "you"?
The lines below arose spontaneously....


Surrender to the mysteries of each moment

When I say I love you...
How often do I know what it means?
Do I really love "you"?

When I say I love you...
Who are "you"?
Do I really know "you"?
Do I love a story I have of "you"?

When I say I love you...
Who is the "I" that loves you?
Do I really know who "I" am?
Do I identify myself based on a bundle of conditioning I call "me"?

Do I know what "love" is?

All I know is than "you" and "I" are constantly changing.
You and I are only what we are in this moment.
We are growing and so is love.

If we ever fall out of love, it's because we are not moving with the now.
If we ever fall out of love it's because we are in love with an image of the past.

See me and love me for who I am today
And I will see you and love you for who you are today.
We are love...

....loving and surrendering to the mysteries of each moment!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

For Him...

For Him

The "shingaar" (adorning), the dance , the surrender, the devotion, the laughs, the smiles, the joy, the wait... it's all for "Him".

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Healing Tears

                                               "Healing Tears" -  Shweta Mitra April 2012
Healing Tears: He said,"give me your tears so you don't have to cry anymore".

Happy Easter All!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Look Up

Look Up

I had asked a friend of mine to tell me something that inspires her.

She told me about the story from the Bhagavad Gita where Krishna asked Arjuna and Duryodhana to choose between the army and him. Duryodhana chose his army and Arjuna chose Krishna. (Read the full story here:

She wrote:

"For the longest time, I had always wondered what I would've done.. I was listening to the kirtan when I had a vision that I was standing by Krishna's feet; I could only see the feet clearly, with the rest of Him kind of out of focus - I knew without a doubt I would have picked him... "

Her story ended there, but my thoughts continued: what would Krishna say to her?

He would say "Look up".

Always look up at your Ishta with surrender... why keep your focus narrow at his feet, he is all-loving and always happy when we look up at him in surrender; then we let ourselves know the joy that opening in surrender brings.
The day I started sketching this painting, that night these words came to me...
Come create with me...
Why do things not flow?
I try so hard to center again…
So much energy…
So much being pulled to the surface….
I want to go back into my cocoon…
Can I?

Then there is a question…
"Does the energy speak to you? Have you inquired about what it is doing there?

Why did I not think of this?
I ask....
Why are you here?
Why are you tearing me apart on the inside?
Why can I not move back to stillness?

“I am here to create” it says…
“why do you doubt me?”
“why don’t you just flow with me where I take you?”
"you tear apart within because you try to move in the opposite direction from where I take you..."
“why do you question?”
“have I ever let you down?”
“trust me… and come create with me”

~ Shweta (Feb 23rd 2012)

Another experience I had with this painting:
As I sketched this painting for the first time, it took me a while to get the face, and I let it go... and a face emerged, nothing like I had imagined it to be. Then I started painting it, I did not like how it turned out so I decided to change it... whited it out and redid the face and at the end of it, it looked exactly the same as the first time I painted it... so made another attempt... guess what?  It looked the exact same as the first one. So either I am terrible at painting, or Krishna wishes to look like he does in that painting and is showing me to move out of my mind and accept it... he wants that face, I have to let him have it.

After this, the entire painting really flowed, there was very little doing and more allowing Krishna to create.

Please visit my website:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Melting Heart

Melting Heart ~ Shweta Mitra (02/20/12)
This painting came to me as a vision.

A friend commented on the painting:
As I see the painting, my heart sings the song ...
"Light my soul with thy holy flame.
let my darkness my sadness melt into light ... "
[Aguner poroshmoni chhoao pran-e]

The song fits the painting so beautifully.
It is a Bengali song by Rabindranath Tagore...

English translations to the lyrics go like this:

Touch my heart with your fire
So that this life
burns as a glorious offering.

Let this body
Be like a lamp among the heavens
And every song
Light up in glowing gesture.

In the heart of darkness
I shall feel your touch
Through the nights
As you light the stars
One after another.

No darkness shall
Veil this vision -
I shall find wondrous lights
Wherever I gaze.
And my tears
Will find a blazing fervor
As they reach up for the skies.

~Rabindranath Tagore

Friday, February 17, 2012

Literary Journal - Scythe

Please check my art and poetry published in this issue of the literary journal, Scythe:

Click on the featured artist and scroll down and click on the paintings to view some of my art and poetry.