This is to all my friends (ones I know, ones I don't know yet and the ones I may never know)...._/\_
Someone asked me "do you love yourself?"
I thought about it and realized I really don't know what "love" is? Anything that came up, love was beyond that...
Over the past few days, every time I said "love you!" to someone ... the question arose... Who is it I love? What is love? Who is the "I" who loves the "you"?
The lines below arose spontaneously....
Surrender to the mysteries of each moment
When I say I love you...
How often do I know what it means?
Do I really love "you"?
When I say I love you...
Who are "you"?
Do I really know "you"?
Do I love a story I have of "you"?
When I say I love you...
Who is the "I" that loves you?
Do I really know who "I" am?
Do I identify myself based on a bundle of conditioning I call "me"?
Do I know what "love" is?
All I know is than "you" and "I" are constantly changing.
You and I are only what we are in this moment.
We are growing and so is love.
If we ever fall out of love, it's because we are not moving with the now.
If we ever fall out of love it's because we are in love with an image of the past.
See me and love me for who I am today
And I will see you and love you for who you are today.
We are love...
....loving and surrendering to the mysteries of each moment!